We’re excited to share that FixMe.IT has been rated #1 among fifty other remote support solutions on Gartner’s Capterra. This score is based on overall customer satisfaction with the application’s ease of use, features and functionality, customer support, and its value for money. [Read more…] about FixMe.IT Gets the Highest Customer Satisfaction Rating on Capterra
Remote Desktop Industry
Lifetime License vs. Subscription: Which One Is Better?
We often receive feedback from prospects wondering why FixMe.IT has no perpetual license plan. Let’s be clear on this: perpetual or so-called “lifetime” license is a good marketing hook that attracts lots of new customers, but in the end leaves you paying more than you should. Subscription, in turn, is a more flexible and honest licensing model, which allows you to be in full control of your company’s budget. [Read more…] about Lifetime License vs. Subscription: Which One Is Better?
3 Main Reasons Why FixMe.IT Isn’t Free
We’re often asked by prospects if there’s a version of the FixMe.IT remote support application that’s free for personal or limited business use. The answer is always the same: there isn’t and there will never be. And here’s why we’ve never had plans to make a free version of our product. [Read more…] about 3 Main Reasons Why FixMe.IT Isn’t Free
Cloud-Based vs. On-Premise Remote Support Software
So, you’re looking for a remote support tool for your business and wondering if you should go cloud, or purchase an on-premise (or self-hosted) remote desktop solution. In this article, we’re going to help you make the right decision and choose what’s best for your remote support needs. [Read more…] about Cloud-Based vs. On-Premise Remote Support Software
2016 in Review: Top 4 Remote Desktop Industry Trends of the Year
With 2017 coming close, now is that traditional moment we seize to draw conclusions, come up with new year resolutions and try to predict what’s coming next. Even though there’s been only one fundamental shift this year, one could hardly argue that 2016 hasn’t been tough for some of the remote desktop software vendors – take the massive hack of Teamviewer accounts as an example.
Now let’s take a farewell look at the four key remote desktop industry trends of the outgoing year. [Read more…] about 2016 in Review: Top 4 Remote Desktop Industry Trends of the Year
Free vs. Commercial Remote Support Software
Lately we’ve been approached by a number of potential customers asking the same, common question: “Why would I pay for remote support software such as FixMe.IT if there’s a number of free remote desktop tools out there these days?” [Read more…] about Free vs. Commercial Remote Support Software