Unattended access is one of the key features to be found in a remote desktop application such as Techinline FixMe.IT. It provides you with maximum flexibility and brings ease of mind by letting you connect to a number of remote machines and work on them at any time, from any location, and without the client’s involvement.
Setting up the FixMe.IT Unattended Client on a remote client’s computer is easy. For that, you can either set it up from the Expert toolbar when starting a new support session, or run an installation file on a remote desktop. But what if you need to locally set up unattended access on a Windows 2012 Core server? That’s a bit trickier. Your client should have some advanced Command Line skills to make it happen, so let’s see how it can be done.
Option 1
- Go to My Account section of the Expert application, download the unattended access setup file and save it as a network resource that your client has access to. Let’s say it’s \\fileserver\\public\\FixmeitUnattendedClient.
- The client, in turn, should run this network resource address in the Command Line by typing in net use k: \\fileserver\\public\\FixmeitUnattendedClient.
- After that, the client goes to the specified download folder and runs the file to set up unattended access. Don’t forget the file extension!
- As soon as the installation is completed, the expert will be able to see the remote client’s machine on the unattended list, connect to this server and manage it remotely, as well as change the name of the client if needed.
Option 2
- Go to My Account section of the Expert application, copy the direct link to clipboard, and send it to the client via email, Skype, WhatsApp, or another application of your preference.
- The client, in turn, takes advantage of the built-in Windows Powershell utility to download the file from the Internet using the link provided by the expert and the “invoke webrequest” cmdlet, which sends FILE requests directly to a web page. The client should also specify download path along with the name of the installation file and its extension. The full command should look like this: Invoke-WebRequest -uri “link” -outfile “filepath\filename.exe”.
- Now the client should exit Powershell, change directory to locate the installation file, and then run it in the command line.
Basically both methods provide the same results, however the second option might be very useful if you don’t have a shared network resource with your client.
You can also watch our video tutorial for a more detailed visual demonstration of the setup process:
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